Click to Watch GENIFER M Featured on “Most Expensivest” 2 Chainz on VICE TV

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., April 23, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — GENIFER M (, the nation’s first line of Cannabis Couture jewelry, was featured on The Most Expensivest television program on VICE TV. The show is hosted by Def Jam record producer and rap artist, 2 Chainz.

GENIFER M is the world’s first artisan-designed, cannabis-inspired jewelry. The company was co-founded by Genifer Murray, a leader in the medical marijuana industry and a founding member of several women-based support organizations.

Genifer told 2 Chainz that the company started when she was working on the Governor’s Cannabis Task Force and her father, a certified gemologist, made her a 2.5 carat diamond necklace in the shape of a cannabis leaf.

“I really love that,” 2 Chainz said.

Murray recalled how she met a cancer patient, told by her doctors that she was out of options. The woman then discovered cannabis and her disease went into remission.

Today, Murray spreads the word about the healing power of cannabis, and her jewelry line is meant to start a conversation about the benefits of medical marijuana.

“I’m a cannabis crusader now,” Murray said. “I have to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.”

Murray showed some of the company’s bracelets, earrings and pendants, including a 3-carat diamond pave sativa leaf. She also showed a beautiful pink sapphire pendant made for breast cancer awareness, and their popular CBD and THC Molecule necklaces with precious stones including emeralds, pink sapphires, and amethyst.

“We are the first cannabis jewelry company with products that are embraced by everyone from rap stars to soccer moms,” Murray said. “Our designs connect with people at the deepest level.”

To view The Most Expensivest program, visit:

The GENIFER M segment begins at approximately 8:30 into the program.

For more information, call: 480-629-4951 or visit:

ABOUT GENIFER M: GENIFER M is the first artisan designed cannabis-inspired jewelry company in the nation. Handcrafted in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, GENIFER M jewelry is designed to inspire, empower, and provide personal expression.

 Featured in Forbes, Elle Canada, Harper's Bazaar, Swaay, Fashionables, CannaNews, Variety, VICE-TV, and Insight News, GENIFER M is one of the most talked about jewelry lines in the nation.






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